
Habits That Will Damage Your Brain

When it comes to our habits, then most of us will ignore small things that will results costly later in our life. This happens mostly with teenagers because 15-19 is an age where a lot of wired things can happen to us. If we have strong emotional intelligence, then we can handle all situations very easily. But, the truth is that very little percentage of teenagers can even think about emotional intelligence. They gain many bad habits or should i say worst habits that can damage their brain.

So in this article, i will tell you that 4 habits which can destroy your future. So, stay with me because i am sure that at the end, you will force yourself to think about that.

1. Overreacting

This problem is mostly with teenagers. It can happen in any case like :
1. Love relationship between boy and girl
2. Between best friends
3. With stranger
4. On social media
5. Outside the hometown

I had seen many times that teenager boys and girls don't that how to react, when to react and how much to react at the specific time and location. The reason is that they have poor emotional intelligence. That's why, they react very fast and also react very much.

Effects of overreacting

It's ok to react on any situation but overreacting is bad for us. This can also leads to arrival of depression. Let's suppose, you have an issue with your friend and you argued with your friend on that topic, then argue changed into aggressive debate. After giving your angry reactions, you return back to your home obviously in bad mood. Then, your mother asks you for a meal or something but you shouted on her and go to your bedroom. Then, that argument will stay in your mind for next 100 minutes. Overreacting results to overthinking & when we over think it leads to headache and then sadness.

 2. Social Media Friendship

We all have friends, some of them are our best friends which we interact daily and some of them are our social media friends. When we make our account on social media and show our social media presence by posting photos and videos, then we made some new friends. That's good. But but but !! Do you know the background of that human being ? Is he/she is trustworthy ? 

Sometimes, we believe our social media friends more than our close friends or our childhood friends. Suppose, you met a cute girl on social media. You both follow each other and start a conversation. After few days, that conversation turned into attraction & so on.

Starting a conversation with a girl is not a bad idea. But, some people got so addictive that they have throw all their ambitions out of the window just because of that girl.

 Effects of SM Friendship

We must have a goal in our life (If you haven't set any goal in your life then you are wasting it so please set your goal today.) You have your own goals and dreams but when you start chatting with that phoneworm girl, then because of weak mindset your forgot your goals and dreams for that girl. Just in case, if she breaks your trust, started ignoring you, not showing interest in you and something like that stupid things, then this will lead to sadness and then you can't even understand what to do now. So, stay away for temporary friends and get together with your real buddies.

3. Not Getting Proper Rest

This is common problem and we consider it as normal problem. But trust me sleeping late is very dangerous to our health. Our body needs minimum 8 hours healthy rest. Now, the point is that, it doesn't mean that you sleep at 12 am and wake up at 8 am morning then, shouted like "wow, i have completed 8 hours rest, It's not like that.

Actually, there are also productive hours for sleeping. If we go to bed in between this time, then we feel fresh and positive all the day. That time will be 9 pm to 10 pm. We should hug our bed between this time. Just in case, if we can't sleep between 9 to 10 then, 10:30 is more than enough. Proper rest leads to healthy and prosperous life.

NOTE : If you want a video on how to sleep early then comment below & i will upload that video on my YouTube channel.

4. Watching Too Much Porn Videos

We all consider it as a funny topic, but seriously this is killer of our brain. Watching porn is like a drug. Firstly, we take a little dose and then we become addictive to it. According to my point of view, In India paid sex is illegal. That's why, India is in top 3 countries in which porn watch rate is very high, Sounds like crazy but it is reality.

Researchers found that doing sex twice week can't harm our body too much, but doing masturbate twice or even thrice a week is harmful for our sperms. It decreases our sperm count & it also effects badly on our mind and our thinking.
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