
15 Weight Loss Tip

Many people work hard to lose weight, yet they cannot reduce their weight. To lose weight, some special things that people ignore, and this causes weight gain. Such amazing weight loss tips are given here, which will start reducing your weight in less time.

15 Weight Loss Tip

                            15 weight loss tips

There are many easy and safe ways to lose weight that will help you lose weight.

1. focus on eating

While eating food, your full attention should be on eating; you can do overeating by eating food while watching mobile or TV. Because your mind is busy somewhere else, you do not know how much you have eaten.

2. small plate food

According to studies, if you eat food on a smaller plate, you will eat less. Seeing the big plate, people serve more food on it. That's why more food comes in a big plate than a small plate.


3. get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important to lose weight. If sleep is not complete, there are daily fluctuations in hunger hormones. People who get less sleep have a higher risk of obesity than those who get enough sleep.

4. chew and eat

Always eat food by chewing it well; this will digest your food well, and your brain will indicate that it is eating for a long time so that the stomach will be full.

5. positive change

Positive change is necessary to lose weight. Dieting fails. Because after a while, dieting leads to weight gain. Instead of dieting, eat nutritious and healthy food.

6. remove salmon from the fridge

Remove all the unhealthy food and beverages from your fridge, such as ice cream, sweets or cold drinks; keeping all these will save you from eating unhealthy food unnecessarily.

7. metabolic disease

Some diseases cause weight gain. Some of them are – Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, and PCOD, so you should get your treatment done by the doctor and take the medicines given by the doctor regularly.


8. do not stress

By taking stress, some such hormones are produced in the body, which help increase weight. So stay stress-free, and you can also do meditation to reduce stress.

9. eat on a blue plate

Eating food on a plate of bright colours makes us eat less because the mind gets filled faster with bright colours than light colours, and then the mind wants to divert its attention from that colour. This tip will come in handy for you.

10. Stay away from simple and refined carbohydrates

Nutrients and fibre are removed from pure carbohydrates. Remember that there should be no simple and refined carbohydrates in the food.

11. low sugar intake

Consumption of sugar is the main reason for increasing obesity. Many people consume it in excess. Sugar causes obesity and diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. To lose weight, cut down on added sugar.

12. eat fewer refined carbs

Refined carbohydrates include sugar and grains. Of these, their fibrous and nutritious parts are removed. These include white bread and pasta. Refined carbs increase blood sugar quickly. If you do consume carbs, make sure to consume them with natural fibre only.

13. count calories

Eating less or counting calories is very helpful in reducing weight. Some studies show that keeping a food diary or taking pictures of your meals can help you lose weight. Write whatever you eat in a diary. This will also help you count calories.


14. keep healthy food with you

Healthy food should be kept with you in case you feel very hungry. This will save you from unhealthy eating. The best for this are baby carrots, whole fruits, yoghurt, nuts, boiled eggs, etc.

15. avoid late night eating

Fix the time of eating and do not eat late at night. If you eat late, your food will not be digested, and there is a risk of obesity due to sleeping immediately after eating.

Weight Loss Tips for Girls at Home | Home remedies for weight loss for girls

If you are also troubled by increased weight, you can reduce your obesity by trying the following home tips. Know how to lose weight sitting at home.

Drink enough water: If water is drunk in excess, it is a simple way to lose weight. According to the study, drinking an average of 16.9 or 500 ml of water increases the number of calories burned by 30% after 30-40 minutes. Drinking water half an hour before meals also helps in reducing weight.

Consume fibre: Eating more fibre in food helps in weight loss. This makes us eat less food and only feel hungry for a short time. The best sources of fibre are vegetables, legumes, seeds, fruits, nuts and whole grains.

Get physical activity: Exercise should be included in your daily routine to reduce extra calories from your body. This is the most effective way to lose weight. Eat less sugar - reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. Sugar is very helpful in increasing obesity.

Nutritious Breakfast: A nutritious breakfast in the morning gives you energy for the whole day. Due to this, you do not feel very hungry throughout the day. This helps in controlling hunger.

Yoga Tips for Weight Loss

Regular yoga helps reduce weight as well as in fighting many diseases.

Paschimottanasana: By doing this asana, all body muscles are stretched. Sit with your legs spread in front; keep your palms on your knees and move your hands upwards. Straighten the waist. Now bend forward and hold the toes of your feet with your hands. Put the forehead on the knees; in this way, you can do this asana.

Surya Namaskar: Weight can be reduced quickly with this asana. This asana of 12 yoga postures keeps the whole body fit. Its 10 to 15 minutes of practice will help in reducing your weight.


Trikonasana: Spread both legs; now open the hands outwards. Now slowly bring the straight arm down towards the straight leg. After that, keep the waist down, look down, keep the straight palm on the ground and move the opposite hand upwards. You can repeat the process on the other side as well.

Dhanurasana or bow pose: This asana strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. This asana removes many problems related to the back.

Balasana: To do Balasana, sit on the ground on heels. Now raise the hand upwards, exhale and rest the head on the ground. Remain in this pose for three minutes.

Do not let obesity dominate your body. Obesity can cause many diseases in the body. Make your lifestyle healthy and control obesity. By doing Pranayama, you can make your body agile, flexible and healthy.

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