
Increase Health Follows Some Simple Rules

There are many people all over the world who eat half the weight to lose weight. There are many people who play hundreds but do not get any improvement. 
Increase Health Follows Some Simple Rules

Excess weight is such a problem, just like being patient or having a broken health problem. Beauty is absorbed in the position of the ideal weight according to the composition of one’s body. If your weight is 5 to 5 kg less than the ideal weight, then you should understand that you are a sick person. A sick person loses his natural beauty in a natural way.
In most cases, it is seen that you can not gain weight without trying. Many people may start eating too much, but the gain is not much. Rather, unhealthy eating leads to health problems. Not only will it be fat, but it will also have to be a well-organized body. Not so? But what to do then? If you are tired of trying impossible and impossible to gain a healthy body, then these tips will help you. Try to follow the rules, you will soon see the change in yourself.
Breakfast specials: Nuts and raisins every morning. Nuts and raisins are no substitute for weight gain. Soak half a cup of wood nuts and raisins in a little water while sleeping at night. In the morning eat them when they are swollen. Begin in the morning with nuts and raisins. It’s a great food for kids too.
Special dinner: Milk and honey before going to bed at night. This is an unwise strategy for weight gain. You must eat something nutritious before going to bed at night. And if you are hungry then you will have a full stomach. And sleep immediately. As a result, the caloric diet of the food will not be consumed, the calories will be extra weight in the body. Before going to bed, drink a glass of honey mixed with a lot of honey daily.
Liquid food: After a while, the appetite for food quickly builds up. This is why you can eat any kind of liquid food to make you hungry a little later. But, of course, remember that it is better to eat water before eating heavy foods and in the middle of a meal. In this way, water in the middle of the food suppresses hunger. As a result, they are not interested in eating heavy foods.
Vegetables + Vegetables + Fruits: Eat lots of fruits. Fruit nutritious foods contain lots of calories. Eat fruit and fruit juices daily. There are many fruits and vegetables that are high in calories. Such as mango, jackfruit, litchi, banana, ripe papaya, sweet pumpkin, sweet potato, raw banana, puddings, etc. As you eat fruits and vegetables, your health will be good, and your weight will increase.
Fish + Meat + Eggs: To be healthy, you need to eat more fish, meat, eggs or more than ever before. Playing 2 to 3 egg whites a day will be very beneficial, the white egg contains lots of protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E which will produce lots of hormones in the body, which will bring good health.
“Sitting” rice: It means that the rice is not stewed. A lot of rice starch is left with starch. If you want to increase the weight, it is better not to stack it. This will greatly benefit the weight gain. Atap rice or Pulao rice sitting rice is delicious and will need to eat.
Soft drinks: Healthy drinks are made up of soft drinks and fatty foods. It contains high amounts of insulin. Insulin produces hormones. With the help of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in the body. When you eat fatty foods, drink water, not soft drinks. Not even diet soft drinks. You can’t eat fatty food if you eat it.
Food Amount: Increase the amount of food. Increasing the amount of food does not mean that you do not eat consecutively. And that’s not even possible. If you are sick with eating less, you need to increase the amount of food. Eat 1 percent of the food you eat, increasing your daily intake by 5 percent.
Physical Exercise: Some special exercises build the muscles of the body and increase the weight. Moreover, it also causes hunger. Start going to the gym regularly, obey the trainer. If you eat only calorie foods and do not do any kind of exercise, then you will have excess fat in some parts of your body, such as palpates and other parts but will not play a very important role in increasing your weight. Exercise as much physical activity as possible. This will drain excess body fat and build up a healthy body.
After all, you are eating food but not following any rules so it will not work for you. Your health will not improve in any way. If you make a list of the right rules and eat the foods, then it will be helpful to gain weight. And if you do not gain weight despite doing so, you should definitely contact a good doctor.
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