
methods to Getting Rid of Insomnia hassles

If you are fast asleep after eating at night, the clock is turning around in the morning. After a while there is no clock alarm, you have to leave the bed to hear the bird calling. 

Thus, the night was not spent sleeping. But this story is not one day, if you continue day after day, it will have an impact on your body and mind, as well as the work of the day.
Insomnia is the inability to sleep. Sleep disorder is either short-term or long-term. Some effects of irritable mood, tiredness, fatigue, numbness and headache insomnia. Insomnia is divided into two categories – acute insomnia and chronic insomnia based on time or duration.
The problem of insomnia that occurs for a short time is called acute insomnia. This type of insomnia can last from days to weeks. And when the problem of insomnia is for a month or more, it is called chronic insomnia. However, in this case, following the following methods can help relieve insomnia, let’s not look at the methods.
Banana: There is a lot of potassium in a banana. And the presence of potassium in the human body controls how dark the sleep will be at night. In addition, caller tryptophan and magnesium help in the sleep at night. So you can go to bed by eating regular bananas at night, excluding sleeping pills. I will sleep, sure!
Milk: Tryptophan amino acids are also present in milk, such as banana, which increases serotonin hormone secretion and is helpful for good sleep. Besides, calcium in milk helps to relieve insomnia 4 hours before going to sleep, mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1 glass of hot milk and eat it for deep sleep.
Yogurt: Yogurt contains a lot of calcium as dairy food. This ingredient helps raise the sleep-stimulating tryptophan and melatonin hormones. Therefore, the habit of eating yogurt before going to bed at night increases the chances of getting good sleep. However, this yogurt must be pure. You will find the benefits of insomnia only when you eat yogurt made with pure cow’s milk.
Honey: One of the great benefits of the Honey Thousand is that it helps alleviate insomnia. Half an hour before going to bed can be eaten with herbal tea or a spoonful of honey mixed with light hot milk. Honey helps cool the nerves. As a result, sleep is better at night, alleviating insomnia.
Nuts: Nuts are another effective way to eliminate insomnia. Nuts help to increase the amount of serotonin hormone in the body. These hormones help the brain to develop feelings of happiness. Almonds also contain tryptophan and magnesium. Before going to bed at night, 3 to 5 nuts will help to get good sleep.
Vitamins: Some special vitamins are essential for maintaining a proper sleep cycle. If they have a deficiency or decrease in the body, then insomnia problems arise. The following is a list of vitamins associated with the symptoms of insomnia:
  • Vitamin A helps maintain the good health of the brain in terms of sleep and memory. Milk, eggs, chicken, and beef contain a lot of vitamin A.
  • Deficiencies of vitamins B3, B3, B2 and B12 are associated with insomnia. Lack of these vitamins leads to weakness, fatigue, and insomnia. So try to eat eggs, chicken and dairy products to meet the needs of these vitamins in your body.
  • Vitamins C and E are potent antioxidants and help prevent oxidative stress. So try to eat enough fruits like Vitamin E and Talk. It will make you sleep better.
Ultimately, if insomnia is not followed by following these procedures, you must seek medical attention.
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