
Albendazole tablet

Albendazole tablet is a drug used in worms infection. Let's know more about this drug, where and how it is used and what side effects it may have.
Albendazole tablet

Albendazole tablet

Use of Albendazole tablet

Albendazole is a drug used in worms infection. Know that the use of albendazole tablet and which of the following problems can be done.

  1.    In Pin Worms Infection
  2.    In roundworms infection
  3.    Tap Worm Infection
  4.    Pneumocystis sarcous

Side effect of Albendazole tablet

Using the Albendazole tablet you can have many side effects but this side effect will not always be known to you.  if Whenever you feel the side effects described below, you should contact the doctor immediately.
  1.     stomach pain
  1.     Vomiting
  2.    Constipation
  3.     Headache
  4.     Lethargy
  5.     dizziness
  6.     Nauseousness

How Albendazole tablet works

Albendazole is an anti-helminthic drug that binds beta tubules and prevents polymerization, which does not divide the cells.

Drug Interaction of Albendazole tablet

If you want to take any other drug along with the Albendazole tablet, it may increase its side effects or reduce its effects. If such a situation is arising from its use, then immediately consult the doctor so that you do not have any serious problem.

  •  Theophylline
  •  Cimetidine
  •  Dexamethasone


You should consult a doctor before using Albendazole tablet during pregnancy. If you are allergic to the ingredients in it, do not use it or ask the doctor. Count the liver enzyme every 2 weeks while using it. If you consume alcohol, consult the doctor before using albendazole.
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