

Today every person is preparing himself for success. Is engaged in improving his life. Where a student wants to do well in his exam, the same businessman wants to earn profit in his business. We are all engaged in Preparing for a Better Life.


But in this race of success, when we get caught in the tension, it is not known. Parents are worried about the future of their children, then a youth should be taken care of. Some are not satisfied with their relationship and some are upset with their job.

That is to say, it means that most people are spending their lives in tension today. People have trouble even after having all the comforts. Due to increasing stress, people are suffering from many types of heart diseases, including anxiety, hysteria, depression, panic and disorder etc.

What is meant by stress:

Stress is that state of the body when there is a sudden change in our life due to which there is an emotional and physical reaction in our body. When our brain is not able to get a good rest, our mind gets tired and tired mind leads us to Strech.

For this reason, this stress upsets our physical, mental and psychological functioning and increases many of our hormones. Due to increased stress, the person goes into depression.

What are the symptoms of staying tense:

Although there are many symptoms of stress, but here we are telling you some major symptoms which shows the condition of a person under stress.
  1. *. Sleep disappearance.
  2. *. Slow digestion.
  3. *. Improved blood circulation.
  4. *. Loss of weight.
  5. *. Heart beats fast.
  6. *. Sudden increase in blood pressure
  7. *. Feeling tired.
  8. *. Depressed mood.
  9. *. Sansa suddenly intensifies.

What are the major causes of stress: There are many reasons for stress and many people start coming under stress from small matters. Some causes of stress are major.

  1. *. Sorrow in a romantic relationship.
  2. *. Having trouble in married life.
  3. *. Lack of time to complete a task.
  4. *. Having a serious illness.
  5. *. Economic problems not getting fixed.
  6. *. Having problems in the family.
  7. *. A sudden change of job or being fired.
  8. *. Care for children.
  9. *. The death of someone close to you.
  10. *. Being in debt.
  11. *. Money strapped
  12. *. Not being satisfied with your life.
  13. *. To expect something
  14. *. Unable to complete dreams.
  15. *. To pass the exam.
  16. *. Unable to find a job.

Easy Steps to Stress: How to Avoid Stress?

If stress is identified at the right time then it becomes very easy to get out of it. Here you are being told how to get rid of stress. You start adopting them to get rid of stress.


1. Choose the right lifestyle:

Our lifestyle can make us succes, then it can also fail us. Therefore, we should make our routine correct. Just as it is necessary to sleep at the appointed time, in the same way it is also necessary to get up at the appointed time in the morning. Do yoga and exercise after getting up. After this, take nutritious breakfast. Include nutritious elements in food. If you are having trouble in this, then take help from an expert or a dietician.

2. Manage your time:

In today's Bhagam Bhag time, it is very important that you make a list of your day-to-day tasks and complete the necessary tasks first. Important tasks should not be avoided otherwise they will cause stress later. Think of completing those tasks in a day which is very important for you. Do not waste your time in vain.

3. Positive thinking is important:

No matter what the situation. Keep your thinking positive. If your thinking turns negative then you cannot solve any problem. Together, you will only have trouble with it, on the basis of positive thinking, you can easily solve the biggest problem. Thinking negatively also affects our ability to kary.

4. Take time out for yourself:

As much work is required to live life, it is equally important to take time for yourself. There is monotony in life just by working. It is necessary to break this monotony, only new energy is obtained after its breakdown. From time to time, it is very important to find time for fun amidst all the busyness.
Try to give yourself a little more time. It is not necessary that everything is done by looking at the clock. If there is shortage of time, postpone the meeting. If talk is made by phone or email, then what is the need to meet? If this is not possible, do not fix any time of the meeting. In this way, the occasional survivors spend some time in giving themselves or doing favorite work.

5. Stay with relatives:

Someone has said very right that on sharing the moment of happiness with four relatives, it increases four times more, whereas when sharing grief with four relatives, it remains one fourth. Therefore, share it with your relatives, be it happiness or sorrow. With this, take the opportunity to meet your relatives from time to time. It should not happen that you only remember them at the time of need. Our life becomes better by meeting relatives and relatives.

6. Help others:

Helping others is a very high quality. Which makes you very special. If you are under stress and if you help a poor or needy person then it is certain that your stress will reduce to a great extent. The satisfaction that comes from helping someone reduces our stress level and helps us in relieving stress. Your life will be better only when the life of others is better.

7. Get up early in the morning:

If everyone is asked that you wake up late in the morning, then almost everyone will want the same. Everyone wants to take rest but this rest can also be forbidden for us. Getting up late is the root of many problems. Someday if you get up late for some time, then you must have noted that you have to work hard to do all the work. It has a bad effect on our work. Get used to getting up early. This will give you many benefits and will also keep you away from stress.

8. Exercise and remove stress:

Since childhood we have been hearing that we should exercise daily. But we never take this thing seriously. We exercise
Lazy for If you exercise daily, it helps you a lot to reduce stress because our muscles have very good exercise during and after exercise and they also get rest. Which makes us easy to sleep and our mood is also good. That is why you should exercise daily.

9. Talk to friends:

Whenever you feel that you are under stress. You can then take help of your friends to get over this tension. You can go to meet your friends or talk to them on the phone. When you talk to your best friends, your stress will be reduced by this. Hearing the joy and sorrow of friends, you will definitely get relief from stress.

10. Stay away from drugs:

The biggest mistake that most people make is to get drugged during stress. When a person is under stress, then any support is needed but most of the people find its treatment wrong and resort to intoxication to get out of it which is not at all appropriate.

Consuming drugs (tobacco, alcohol) has a very negative effect on our ability to think. Which increases our stress more instead of decreasing. So stay as far away from it as possible.
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