
Constipation Treatment

Constipation Treatment There are different kinds of people who are seen in the world who are seen to be very fresh and bright from above but only they know the inside of their body. There is an old saying that no one is happy with the person whose stomach is clean and no debt at all.
Constipation Treatment
Constipation Treatment

The face may be clean with powder, cream, lipstick etc. But the freshness of the inside cannot be made. Finding the freshness inside the body is a very enjoyable experience. There is a problem in all the problems that happen inside the body which is the most common, which we know as constipation. So the United States of America allow us to} bring up constipation that prevents us from experiencing the freshness within our body.
Constipation i.e. constipation is a serious problem associated with the digestive tract, which can affect the people of any age group. But the specialty of constipation disease is that its patients can control it by improving routine and adopting some home remedies.

What is constipation

Due to constipation, the patient's stomach cannot be cleaned properly, due to constipation it takes more time for absorption of fluid in the intestinal intestines, due to which the dry and hard stool becomes more accumulating, There is a lot of trouble in sacrificing. The patient is not cleared of defecation, the stool turns dry and in small quantities. When the bathrooms area unit spent, or when they are sitting for hours. Where folks sometimes do elimination a minimum of once on a daily basis, the patient of constipation cannot bow for many days. Being simple means constipation means that the stomach is not properly cleaned or there is less fluid in the body.

Reasons for constipation

  1. A time-consuming habit of eating food,
  2. Eating fried maida food, fast chilly-spiced dessert
  3. Constant Painkillers or Norrkotis or Painkillers
  4. Hormonal disturbances, Thyroid or Sugar disease
  5. Eat food again without digesting food
  6. Drink less water and don't chew properly with food
  7. Eating in a very state of mental stress, anxiety, anger or grief,
  8. Lack of fiber diet in the diet
  9. To eat and drink more tea, coffee, tobacco, cigarette alcohol etc.
  10. Do not Exercise At All
  11. Drink cold water of the refrigerator immediately after eating
  12. Late night in the night

Let's now know the symptoms of constipation and the easy-to-use tips.

  1. Hard and dry stool
  2. Bowel movements less than 3 times a week
  3. It hurts while taking bowel movements
  4. Needing to be very strong in bowel movement
  5. Even after a bowel movement, there is still something left to feel like
  6. Tickle up in the stomach
  7. Stomachache
  8. Headache
  9. Gas in the stomach
  10. Indigestion
  11. Problems of Piles, which are often caused by excessive stress during the bowel movement
  12. Gee up and loss of appetite
  13. Pain in the legs
  14. Vomit
  15. dizziness
  16. Smell of smell
  17. Back pain
  18. Feeling very weak
  19. Heaviness in the stomach
  20. Increase in blood pressure
  21. Boil abscess
  22. Acidity
  23. Mumps in the mouth
  24. Having depression

We now know how to get rid of constipation.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking less water can cause constipation. In this problem, the stool becomes dry in the intestines, and it has to be stressed to bowel movements. Patients with constipation should drink more water. Add 4 liters of water a day to drink. Do not drink water while eating food and instead you can drink water half an hour before eating it.
Eat papaya guava

If there is a complaint of constipation, you must make the papaya and guava and eat it. Both qualities benefit our stomach.


Fill the water in a copper vessel and put 1 teaspoon Triphala powder in it and keep it overnight. Drinking this water should drink without taking anything in the morning. Regular use of this experiment provides relief from chronic old constipation.

Almond oil also benefits in the problem of constipation. This increases the intake capacity of the intestines.
Before sleeping, drink 1 teaspoon of almond oil in lukewarm milk and drink it.
Chronic constipation is also cured by taking this remedy for 15 days continuously.


Squeeze 1 lemon into a cup of light hot water and drinks help to remove the stools stored in the intestines.

Hot milk

At night, drinking hot milk should sleep. If the stool is stuck in the intestines, then mix the castor oil in the milk and drink it.

Fibrous diet

Fibrous food should be eaten. Fiber is more in green leafy vegetables, fruits, and salads. Spinach juice is also beneficial to get rid of constipation.


Boil 12 eggs out of the seeds boil and drink milk and eat milk. By the morning your constipation will open


Eating the stomach orange juice in the morning for 8-10 days will end old constipation.
But affirmative nothing is mixed within the fruit juice.

Isabgol husk

125-gram husk of 10 grams of Isabgol, after dissolving in the curd and eating it in the evening in the evening, constipation is exhausted.

Regular exercises related to the stomach will help to relieve problems of your constipation and other problems in the stomach and another body.

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