
This new technology will fulfill dreams of becoming a mother

                         This new technology will fulfill dreams of becoming a mother 

This new technology will fulfill dreams of becoming a mother
This new technology will fulfill dreams of becoming a mother 

PRP is a technique in which blood component is removed from the patient's body and with the help of special technique, the blood component is separated, in which platelets are rich in rich substances. It has the ability to improve growth factor and hormone. This improves resistance.

say that with the help of PRP (platelets rich plasma) across the globe, treatment of infertility has been possible, although it is not being used anywhere as an established processor.

This new technology will fulfill dreams of becoming a mother

In a seminar held at Indira IVF Hospital, Ivf expert Dr. Sagarika Agrawal said that the litter of a woman's urine was weak and thin due to which she could not become a mother. Doctors have achieved success in removing their infertility by adopting PRP technology.

He said, "This womanlike became a mother through 18 years of wedding."

Dr. Agarwal said that PRP is such a technique in which blood component was removed from the patient's body and with the help of special technique, platelets are rich in quantity. It has the ability to improve growth factor and hormone. This improves resistance.

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