
If you have to shave well then keep in mind that these 4 things will not happen, the injection and grain

Shaving quickly causes skin to get damaged. After shaving, the face should be washed with cold water. Shaving incorrectly causes the skin to loose and black.

If you have to shave well then keep in mind that these 4 things will not happen, the injection and grain

If you have to shave well then keep in mind that these 4 things will not happen, the injection and grain

While shaving, small mistakes can not only damage the skin, but can also cause the infection. The facial skin is very sensitive, so men should keep in mind that what is the correct way of shaving. Shaving quickly causes skin to get damaged. For a long time continuously shaving, there are many types of scars on the skin and the skin gets damaged. Shaving continuously incorrectly causes the skin to loose and black after one time. In this case, you need to take care of some things before and after shaving.

What to do before shaving

Washing the face thoroughly before shaving is very important. For this, if you use light lukewarm water, irritation of the beard is reduced and the shave becomes smooth and smooth. Light lukewarm water removes facial oils and dead skin cells are also cleaned. If the burning sensation is too heavy or if the beard is very hard, then soften the beard with a towel for 5 minutes before the shave.

Replace the burn, then change the razor

Cutting or razor bumps are caused due to ingron hair while shaving. If shaving is felt burning on the skin, then understand that your razor is not right. Closer shave is made from manual razor because the blades are very close to it, which can cause skin irritation or burning sensation. If you are a razor bump, then you use an electric razor, which does not get close shave but it does not cause irritation. Use the same razor to be electric or manual, which looks right.

Such as shave

Keep in mind, where the hair is growing, shaving from there. Always shave from the top to the bottom, because the hair moves in the opposite direction. If you make a shave in the opposite direction of lubrication, then it is afraid to cut your skin and the skin may become rough. Apart from this, the razor should be run comfortably. Haste in shaving can harm your skin. After shaving, face should be washed with cold water and after shaver should be applied. Hot water use after shave is not right. If you shave in the opposite direction then the possibility of burning irritation and cuts in the skin will increase. If the blood is coming from the cut, then the alum can also be used. If you have a skin oily then use alcohol-free toner or astringent while shaving.

After shaving

After shaving it is necessary to toneup the face with After Shave or Mild Moisturizer. Keep in mind, during this time avoid alcohol-free shave lotions. If you want to use any other product, make the selection of herbal products, sourcing after shave with elovera containing lotion or vitamin E can also be used so that the skin can get immediate relief from irritation.
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