
Drinking too much water may cause obesity, cause to know

The reason for your obesity may be drinking excessive water. A healthy person should drink 2-4 liters of water a day. A danger of swelling and kidney failure in the brain by drinking excessive water.
Drinking too much water may cause obesity, cause to know

Drinking too much water may cause obesity, cause to know

Water is essential for our health. But more than enough water can give you obesity. Yes, generally people believe that drinking water reduces weight and fat burns. These things are also right. But drinking more water can increase your weight. Usually, doctors believe that a healthy person should drink 2-4 liters of water a day. Due to special conditions such as gym, exercise, heavy work or heat, it can increase its volume. But if you normally drink more than 5-6 liters of water daily, it can also adversely affect your health. Let's tell you how.

How does the weight gain by drinking water?

Actually our weight increases, when fat is accumulated in the body. There is also water content in frozen fat cells. In such a situation, if you drink more than enough water, your kidney is not able to take out the entire water from the body. The remaining water spoils the balance of electrolyte in your body. With this water gets accumulated in the body and your weight increases. However, in 24 hours the accumulated water exits a lot in your body. But if you have a habit of drinking more water daily, you may have obesity problems.

Why does it look more thirsty?

Generally, excessive intake of sodium and low potassium is thirsty. Salt is made from sodium, so people who eat more salt are more thirsty. Salt out the water from the cells (cells). In this case, if you eat more salt, then your cells start sending signals to the brain to become thirsty quickly.

Inflammation in the brain with more water

Research has found that when the body gets too much water, the level of sodium starts decreasing rapidly. Lowering the level of sodium can cause swelling in the brain, which is a dangerous stage. Research has found that due to drinking excessive water, the sodium becomes unusually low in the body, hence the risk of hypotheca is increased. Sodium is a kind of electrolyte that regulates the amount of water in our body.

Bad effects on kidneys

Drinking excessive water can lead to overhydration problem. The effect of overhydration falls directly on the kidney. Actually, kidneys work to filter the water in our body. If you drink more quantity of water daily, then the burden of work on kidneys is high. Thereby, there may be a risk of kidney failure in the long run.
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